History Curriculum Progression Document



At St. Anne's we aim to develop the historical skills of questioning, enquiry, observation and interpretation, organising and communicating findings, drawing conclusions and identifying cause and effect. This will lead to an understanding of chronology and ability to describe the passing of time.

The pupils develop knowledge and understanding of important historical periods and people, through an enquiry based approach, and relate these to present day life.  Lessons provide opportunities for children to apply key skills to enhance their understanding of historical concepts and use appropriate historical vocabulary to communicate ideas.

Children’s skills of investigation and knowledge of how the world is constructed develops from their earliest experiential play within the Foundation Phase to more sophisticated whole studies by the end of Key Stage 2.

The planning of History lessons in St Anne’s will be guided by the New Curriculum 2014 and follow the Lancashire County Council Planning schemes.  The expectation is that learning and teaching styles will differ from each lesson and will address the needs and wants of the children and of the subject being taught. At St Anne’s we utilise many learning and teaching styles. History will be taught through theme-based lessons alongside and within other curriculum subjects, eg, Literacy, I.C.T, as well in discrete History lessons.

Where appropriate, History will be biased towards practical lessons, with artefacts and drama playing a key part. Trips and visitors also greatly enhance our History curriculum.

Mr Batchelor 

History Subject Leader



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