St Anne’s curriculum aims to inspire pupils to learn.

The school’s carefully sequenced curriculum provides the opportunities for children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in all aspects of their education.


St Anne’s mission statement is “Loving God in all we do”.  We firmly believe in trying to provide the best possible education and pastoral support for all our children with the teachings of Jesus Christ at the centre of all we do.

St Anne's is a two-form entry primary school with nursery provision.  We have carefully sequenced the school's curriculum to ensure our children's education begins in the first year of learning during St Anne's Nursery class.  St Anne's Nursery is the first year of a two-year Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS1), with the Reception Year being the second year of the two-year Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS2).  

Curriculum learning objectives for all aspects of the EYFS and National Curriculum have been carefully sequenced from EYFS1 to Year 6.  This enables all children, parents and staff to clearly see how learning begins, and then how prior learning is built upon as children progress through each year group in school.

The documents across the top tabs are linked to each half-term and provide a clear explanation of your child's learning.  St Anne's Knowledge Organisers provides detailed guidance on what your child will be learning each half-term and provide guidance on how you can help your child with their learning.

Regular quality assurance of our school curriculum ensures we comply with the Equality Act of 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations of 2014.

To find out more detailed information about the curriculum, please look at the individual subject skills progression documents on the left hand side of this page.  


Creation and Covenant

Prophecy and Promise

Galilee to Jerusalem

Desert to Garden

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