St Anne's Catholic Primary School Governing Body meet regularly to help shape the strategic direction of the school.  


Chair of Governors/ Chair of Standards and Effectiveness Committee - Foundation Governor Ms L Rafferty
Vice Chair of Governors - Foundation Governor Mr J Brindle
Parish Priest - Foundation Governor Very Reverend G Timney OSB
Foundation Governor Mrs E Duffy
Chair of Life of the School Committee - Foundation Governor Mr B Farrimond
Foundation Governor  Vacancy 
Chair of Finance Committee - Foundation Governor Mr P Dowell
Foundation Governor Mr A Reardon
Parent Governor Mrs H Brookfield 
Parent Governor Vacancy
Staff Governor Mrs R Brookfield
Observer Mrs G Cleary
Observer Mrs H Oates
Observer Miss B Whiteside


The Governance Statement

In accordance with the Government's requirements for all governing bodies, the three core strategic functions of St Anne’s Governing Body are:

  1. To ensuring a clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction and ensure that all statutory duties are met.
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and all its pupils.  
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring that the finances are used to have a positive impact upon pupils' learning.

The Governing Body have three working committees:

  1. Finance Committee
  2. Standards and Effectiveness Committee
  3. Life of the School Committee

Governors Documents




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