Dear parents,

We take great pride in our school and we expect our children to be proud to wear St Anne's uniform.  St Anne's believes that a consistent school uniform policy is vital to promote the ethos of the school and promote a sense of belonging and identity for all pupils regardless of socio-economic circumstances.

All our uniform is available from Premier Sport, Ormskirk.  

Our Year 6 children are allowed to wear a different coloured uniform to the rest of the school signalling and identifying their position as role models to the children at St Anne's.

We ask that all hair styles are smart and natural in colour with no lines or signs shaved into children's hair.  

Earrings are allowed but must be one small stud.  Jewellery is not allowed.  Children will need to remove or cover earrings for PE lessons.  Teachers cannot remove children's earrings.

Pre-loved uniform is highly recommended and available from the school office on a Friday afternoon from 3.00pm onwards.

Pre-loved uniform

St Anne's School Uniform Policy



Children's School Uniform

Winter Uniform - autumn and spring term

Sky blue polo shirt (logo optional) up to Year 5.

Year 6 - White polo shirt (logo optional).

Grey skirt/pinafore/shorts/trousers.

Navy sweatshirt/cardigan with logo up to Year 5.

Year 6 – Red sweatshirt/cardigan with logo.

Grey socks/tights.

Black shoes (not trainers).

Any coat.


Summer Uniform - summer term

Blue checked dress up to Year 5.

Year 6 - Red checked dress.

Sky Blue polo shirt (logo optional) up to Year 5.

Year 6 - White polo shirt.

Grey shorts/trousers.

Navy sweatshirt/cardigan with logo up to Year 5.

Year 6 – Red sweatshirt/cardigan with logo.

Grey/black socks.

Black shoes (not trainers).

Any coat.


Children's PE Uniform

We engage all children in exciting, physically demanding lessons.  The PE uniform was introduced by the Young School Leaders several years ago to ensure all children felt comfortable participating in PE lessons.  The PE uniform must not be a barrier to participation.

PE Uniform is to be worn all day on PE days.  Each class teacher will confirm the days PE lessons will take place.  The correct PE uniform is just as important as the school uniform.


PE Uniform

Navy/red t-shirt with school logo.

Navy shorts.

Navy/black jogging bottoms (optional).

Navy/black sweatshirt (optional).

Black pumps/trainers.


Foundation Stage Outdoor Learning Environment

Outdoor learning environment- Our outdoor area offers different learning opportunities for our children on a much larger scale to our indoor learning environment. Children can access the outdoor environment daily, no matter the weather and are encouraged to assess the risks of their adventurous play alongside supportive adults. Our class waterproofs allow children to access the outdoors in even the wettest weathers. The skillful and experienced teachers within the setting support children to lead/plan/explore their own outdoor learning experiences.


Please make sure your child has waterproof trousers, waterproof jacket and Wellington Boots to be able to engage fully in outdoor learning.





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