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St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life of the School


We are a Catholic Primary School in the Archdiocese of Liverpool, clear in our beliefs and values, and the importance of Jesus Christ in the centre of our lives.

Our Mission Statement underpins everything that we do:

‘Loving God in all we do’

St Anne’s is a place of love and learning, where we are all equal in the eyes of God and we cherish each and every individual. The children in our school explain how they live their 'Faith in Action' by:

  • Being kind to others
  • Showing that I care
  • Loving others
  • Having consideration for others
  • Treating others with respect
  • Looking after others
  • Comforting others
  • Being willing to listen
  • Sharing what we have
  • Trusting others
  • Not being judgemental

Throughout the year we put our ‘faith into action’ by:

Learning about our Catholic faith in creative and inspiring RE lessons


Celebrating daily Collective Worship with our classes.





Supporting Macmillan Cancer Support by hosting a coffee morning


Telling the Christmas Story to our school and parish families


Our weekly celebration of the children who have lived out our Mission Statement ‘Loving God in all we do’


By taking part in Advent and Lent activities with our families


Supporting the work of CAFOD by listening to the work of their volunteers and raising money to support communities around the world


Supporting the work of Nugent Care by “leaving no-one behind this Christmas” and collating hampers for local families


Sharing what we have with the people of the Ukraine


By looking after and trusting others while we are away from school


Sharing the gift of peace in the parish Easter Garden


Praying for the protection of God’s world at the Cop26 Prayer Vigil


© Copyright 2020–2025 St. Anne's Catholic Primary School

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