Dear parents and carers,

St. Anne's Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided Roman Catholic School. It serves the parishes of St Anne's, Ormskirk and St. Mary's, Aughton in the Archdiocese of Liverpool. The school is maintained by Lancashire Local Authority as a voluntary aided school.  The school's Governing Body, appointed by Douai Abbey, is the admissions authority and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. 

The appeals process is managed by Lancashire County Council.  Please click on the following link for more information.

Please do not hesitate to contact St Anne's if you would like to visit school.  Choosing your child's school is an important decision and we are here to help you in anyway we can.  For the school year commencing September 2025, the Governing Body has set its planned admission number at 60.  

School admissions are now open for children due to start primary school in September 2025.   We would recommend you apply as soon as you have visited school.  You will need to apply at:

Before you apply, 

✔️ Check our school website which provides a window into our school.

✔️ Read our most recent Ofsted/RE reports at:


We hope to be able to hold Open Afternoons during the autumn term to enable you to visit school and see our school life in action.  I am always available to speak to parents and provide a guided tour of our school.


To find out more information, please phone 01695 574697 and Mrs Penlington will coordinate your visit.

When applying for a place at St Anne's Catholic Primary School it is very important that you complete a supplementary information form and return it to school when you have completed the Local Authority forms.  We are a very popular school with a number of classes being oversubscribed.  

Supplementary Information Form

If you are moving to St Anne's from a different school and you would like a place for your child, please complete the following form.  If you require any additional advice please contact the school's business manager, Mrs Oates.

In year application form





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