Subject Leaders’ Roles and Responsibilities 2024/2025

Mrs G Cleary Acting Headteacher –  Designated Safeguarding Lead & Teaching and Learning Lead
Miss B Whiteside EYFS/EYFS Transition Lead/RE lead / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs H Hewitson English and KS2 Lead
Miss J Rutter English and KS1 Lead
Miss K Williams Maths and Subject Leader Lead
Mrs R Brookfield Science and Curriculum Lead
Miss C Banks SENCO and Pupil Premium Lead
Mr C Knowles Computing, PSHE and RSE Lead
Miss A Disley PE and Sports Premium Funding
Mrs J Seddon Art and Design Technology Lead and Educational Visits Coordinator
Miss A Bailie Music
Mr D Batchelor History
Mrs K Avington Languages and Citizenship
Mrs C Elwill Geography Lead and PTA link
Mrs T Litherland EYFS Outside learning Lead
Miss L Martin EAL Lead
Miss E Oates School Council Lead


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