Dear parents,

St Anne's continually evaluates provision for all children in our school.  We firmly believe that quality teaching and learning for all our children impacts most on children who need additional support.  All staff are committed to providing the best possible education and care for children with additional needs.

We have a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who work together to sharpen our practice.

Miss Banks (NASEN qualification) holds overall responsibility for SEND.  This position is often referred to as the school's SENCO.  Mrs Cleary, Acting Headteacher, is responsible for the day-to-day deployment of all teaching assistants.  Mrs Dunn is the SEND mentor, and her role is to ensure all planned provision is provided, implemented and reviewed in a timely manner.  Mrs Crook is a specialist SEND teacher who assesses children using specific diagnostic assessments.  The outcomes of these assessments inform individual learning plans.  We also have a working partnership with a specialist ASC practitioner. 

Our SEND governor works with all the SEND team to monitor and challenge all SEND provision.  Practice is scrutinised on a termly basis and governors provide detailed reports to the appropriate committees of the Governing Body.

SEND Policies

Lancashire's SEND Local Offer

Parents, carers and young people - please click on the link below to access Lancashire's Local Offer.

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