St Anne's Breakfast Club and St Anne's After School Club

Extended Services Information


St Anne's Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am – 8.45am every school day. Our youngest children, who are in St Anne's Nursery and St Anne's Reception year group, go to Breakfast Club in the Nursery Classroom.  Older children from Year 1 through to Year 6 attend Breakfast Club in the KS1 hall.  Depending on staffing ratios, children in Year 1 may join the children from the Nursery and Reception classes.

St Anne's After School Club is open from 3.30pm – 6pm every school day. Our youngest children, who are in St Anne's Nursery and St Anne's Reception year group, go to After School Club in the Nursery Classroom.  Older children from Year 1 through to Year 6 attend After School Club in the KS1 hall. Depending on staffing ratios, children in Year 1 may join the children from the Nursery and Reception classes.

Children will use the school's extensive grounds when the weather allows.

Both clubs aim to give the children a feel of home; a time for them to relax, play and chat with their friends. Children are transferred by staff to and from club to class to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children.

We continue to change and adapt the activities available to our children during extended provision based on events that will provide engagement and enjoyment. 

In the unlikely event the a child's behaviour during either breakfast club or after school club is inappropriate, staff will speak to parents immediately.  If a child's behaviour continues to be detrimental, parents will be informed that their child can no longer attend breakfast or after school club.

Breakfast and After School Club

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