Below you will find all documents and information about Year 2. 


At St Anne's we aim to deliver engaging topics and a wealth of learning opportunities for your child. 


During your child's time at St Anne's and in Year 2 we aim to help your child to reach their goals & help to challenge them along the way. Our most important message to the children is ‘always try your best’ by showing resilience and perseverance. 


In Year 2 our classes are:

Class 5- Miss Oates

Class 6- Miss Banks, Miss Williams


PE days for us are Wednesdays and Thursdays and your child should arrive at school dressed in their PE kits on these days.  


We use the Class Charts to communicate weekly homework, as well as notifying you on school updates via email. 


As always, we value your support, so please never hesitate to speak to us should you need to. 



Thank you for your support,


The Year 2 Team


Year 2 Spellings

Year 2 Newsletter

Year 2 Welcome Meeting PPT

Year 2 Book List

Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words

Year 2 Key Learning in Maths



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